It would seem that winter - the main enemy of our health. After all, this endless cold, cold and wind, the lack of sunlight. All are looking forward to the summer.But, according to statistics, the summer - not less treacherous time. During this period, the maximum increase in the number of heart disease and a variety of pressure fluctuations. To avoid such effects of the summer, it is necessary to follow the rules that will help in the heat and stay fresh and healthy.
First of all, remember that the peak of solar activity at the time (from 11 to 16 hours of the day) without the need to try to not be under the direct rays of the sun. In the extreme case, if this is not possible, all exposed parts of the body necessarily protect it with a cream with a high degree of protection. Particular attention should be paid to his lips and face, as they are most susceptible to the sun. It is worth remembering headdress, and choose clothes bright colors.
If you are forced to stay in a room with air conditioning, try not to be under the direct air flow. The optimum temperature difference should not exceed five degrees, otherwise the body can not properly adapt to lower temperatures and cold assured.
Regular soda will not cope with the thirst, drink it is at least a liter a day. But alcohol, coffee and black tea is better to exclude from the diet. Sauna in the summer heat are best avoided - and so much load on the heart, but the shower is recommended as much in him the need arises.
Hot time - the best time to quit smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes: the heat will make it easier to move, and the health benefits are obvious.