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Monday, 4 July 2011
Slim boady TibsDespite what one may think, losing weight is not a mysterious process. In fact,weight loss does not even have to involve strange diets, special exercises or even the 'magic' of pills or fitness gadgets.
The secret to weight loss is to make small changes each and every day and you will slowly lose those kilograms. |  |
Some tips for losing weight are: - Pay attentionwhile you eat. Many times, we snack while doing other things such aswatching TV. Without even knowing it, we have consumed a few hundredextra calories.That may not seem like much, but it adds up.
- Regulateyour meal times. Pick times throughout the day when you can sit downand actually enjoy your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Stick to thesethis to allow your body to pick up on the times and allow it to getused to processing food at these times.
- Get in the habit of eating healthily on a daily basis. Eat loads offresh fruit and vegetables throughout the day. This is certainly goingto help with your cravings for junk food and just after a few days youwill be feeling much healthier and fitter.
- Start and finishyour eating for the day early. Eat breakfast as early as possible,andfinish your day off with an early dinner and a no-eat-after-8pm (forexample)policy. Your body is most active during the daytime, whichmeans that it will burn more calories then than at night.
- Avoidlate night snacks as they can prevent you from losing weight. As saidearlier,your body is less active at night, meaning that you have agreater chance of turning that slice of pizza into pure fat thanburning it as a source of energy.
- Eat your vegetables.Vegetables, especially raw ones, burn more calories than those packedin the vegetables themselves. Also, the fiber in vegetables gives asense of fullness.
- Be honest with yourself. If you know you have a weakness for chocolatechip cookies,buying a two-pound bag to keep in the house may give youmore temptation than you can handle; if you know you do not have a lotof energy in the morning, it can be self-defeating to plan on joggingevery morning before work.
- Take a walk each and every day! You can start with 15 min and then building to 45min and then an hour an a half! You will be amazed just how quickly you will see results—not just in your weight loss, but your overall sense of well-being. Regular exercise limits stress and anxiety and there is also the bonus that you could walk in some really beautiful places.
- Watch no more than 2 h of TV a day. Studies have shown that adults who watch more than 2 h of TV per day take in 7% more calories and consume more sugary snacks than those who watch less than an hour a day.
- Take five (thousand) extra steps a day. A typical person takes about 5000 steps per day between going to work, running errands and doing chores around the house.Doubling that number can have significant health benefits: higher ‘good’ HDL cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, improved glucose control, of course, a lower number on the weighing scale. Walking more steps per day also leads to a lower percentage of body fat and slimmer waists and hips.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Water is not just a thirst quencher―it actually speeds the body's metabolism. No calories are ingested when drinking water,instead calories are used. Try drinking a glass before meals and snacks and before consuming sweetened drinks or juices.
- And finally, stand up for your goals.